elo ._.

Archie Ins @Vyxi028

Age 19, Male


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Joined on 1/22/21

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Skyle: Chapter 1

Posted by Vyxi028 - January 9th, 2025

(Created by Vyxi and inspired from Chimichangar and Lazerbot)

(Warning: This story contains: profanity, gore, extreme violence, suggestive and sexual themes, derogatory speech, drug references and an EXCRUCIATINGLY EXCESSIVE amount of Gen Alpha brainrot.

The names of real people were used for parody purposes with no intent to actually offend them.

The use of copyrighted IPs is also done as a parody, and the story does not feature any paywall. All rights of said IPs belong to their current owners.

Toy Story and Muppets are owned by Disney.

Fairly OddParents are owned by Nickelodeon.

Sonic the Hedgehog is owned by Sega.

Five Night At Freddy's is owned by Scott Cawthon and Steelwool.

The Amazing Digital Circus is owned by Glitch Productions.

SML is owned by Logan Thirtyacre.

Garten Of Banban is owned by Euphoric Brothers.

And for anyone reading this, please do not harass any mentioned individuals, and this story is made for entertaining purposes.)

(Note: This story also features made up vernacular (other than brainrot terms), so don't get confused!)

Kyle Beanio was an ordinary 21 year old man with a decent life. He had lots of money, but not too much money, he had a girlfriend whom he was loyal towards, but never had any intimate intercourse with her at all (with the only exception of receiving a handjob from her one and a half years prior, but it failed due to both of them getting distracted), he had a very well respected family and so on. But one day, when Kyle was strolling alone, he found a suspicious man. Out of ordinary looking people living in Kyle's street, that man especially stood out. He was wearing pink goggles and acid trippy colored clothes, and he had platinum tooth prosthesis. At first Kyle didn't give a shit and move on... but That Man was not hesitating to follow him. One moment, when he was right behind Kyle, the latter snapped.

"WHAT THE HECK DO YOU WANT?" said Kyle angrily while looking at That Man.

"You look like a very interesting individual with a decent life. But i've heard there's one thing you can't stand" That Man responds.

"Dude i'm not going to tell you about myse-" Kyle gets interrupted.

"You can't motherfuckin' stand that blue haired poopwad." Said That Man with a calm, yet aggresive tone.

"You mean that short dude who speaks Beepboopian and is commonly seen with a red dressed lady on a speaker?" Kyle looked at That Man with a huge sense of confusion.

"No, i'm talking about that crazy bitch who looks just like him."

"Oh fuck no, you wouldn't be talking about Sky..."

"With all respect and understanding, i sincerely apologize if i may disappoint you, but unfortunately" That Man's eyes got obscured with shadow, and yet his pupils are seen well even through the goggles. "this is the case."

"Dude... Like damn dude... Like HOLY FUCKING DAMNASS DUDE!! You're confusing me. First you started blowing expletives out of your filthy mouth, then you suddenly started to talk like a gentleman? Man..."

"That's not how you talk to strangers!"

"You were literally stalking m-"

"As a punishment, you're going to become what you hate."

"Are you telli-" said Kyle, but before he could ever finish his sentence, That Man bitchslapped him in the face so hard that he quickly got knocked out unconscious.

"He looks like he belongs to Electronic Arts." he said.

And then boom, That Man disappears.

Half an hour later, Kyle wakes up from an angry fat man staring at him.

"Dude what the fuck are you doing here naked?"

"What naked?" Kyle asked with confusion. "What are you talking abo-"

Before Kyle could finish his another sentence, he looked at himself and screamed in shock and terror.


Then Kyle ran back into his house.

"Damn it, i gotta get myself new clothes!" said Kyle panicking.

As soon as Kyle found a white T-shirt with a red mark showing a German, uppercase version of the letter U with dots above it (Got the reference?) and blue pants, he put them on and went to the bathroom.

"Ugh, that assbutt.." said Kyle with discomfort.

But then, he looked into the reflection and screamed loudly. Turns out, his hair is now blue like Sky's, and it became longer than it used to be, formerly reaching his shoulders and currently going beyond, but not long enough to reach his asscheeks.

"HOLY SHIT I LOOK LIKE SKY!!" screamed Kyle with anger and terror.


Kyle gets on his knees and cries.


The neighbor heard Kyle screaming.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LOUD FUCK!!" he yelled at Kyle.

Later on, Kyle went to eat and pretended nothing happened. Overall, he had a very horrible day after all this happening. Nobody recognizes him, not even his close ones, even though he still sounds like a combination of Mr Turner, Knuckles and Kermit after all. But Kyle has also noticed that his dick in his pants is a few inches larger.

"What the fuck?" he said with pure shock. "At least my girlfriend will be amazed with this size!"

And Kyle was happy again until another Sky looking girl decided to stalk him.


"Umm excuse me, there's a mistake here. I'm not Sky, i just tend to look like her." Kyle responded with confusion and a bit of anger.

"Oh i'm so sorry sir! I'm just WAAYY into Sky." LSF said.

"Please leave me alone, i have things to do." Kyle walked away from LSF, but she wanted to go further. with him.

At one point, LSF turned insane. She had small pupils and spiky teeth.



"Ooohhh we can be together forever! One day, we will even-"

A really small piece of a rock was thrown into LSF's head.

"WHO'S THAT?" LSF looked at who threw a rock into her.

"He told you to leave him alone, now take this!" said none other than the real Sky and starts throwing multiple rock pieces at LSF.

"Sky? But i fucking hate you you stinky looking bitch!" Kyle said angrily.

"I literally saved your life, why are you insulting me?" Sky asked Kyle, confused.

"Because you are destined to suck. You suck, the mod about you sucks, and-"

"I no longer like my own mod myself, but you've gone a little bit too far with this though dude." said BBPanzu and left.

Sky and Kyle stared at BBpanzu confused, and as he completely left, they continued again.

"Well, not my fault my couch is better than your girlfriend's." said Sky.

"Couch? What couch are you talking about? We lay on it perfectly fine. But sure, we can take yours, as you say it's better than my gf's." Kyle said.

"I don't mean couch as in the elongated ass armchair, i mean couch as in the vagina. The vulva. The pussy. The fanny. The twinkie. The sillyboba. The bush. The parallel side of the asshole. The beaver. The kitty. The downstairs. The woman's sixth point. The dick flytrap. The bajingo. The poontang. The cu-"

"Okay i get it. You can just say coochie you dumbass bitch." said Kyle with an aggressive tone. "And why would you flex about your genital anyway? Are you some kind of street whore or some shit?" Kyle was about to yell at Sky with all his force.

"Oh so you're calling me a whore now? No wonder you decided to cheat on your girlfriend and get gangbanged by a bunch of BBC's you fucking f-" Sky responded to Kyle in a rather vulgar way.

"OH YOU CROSSED THE BOUNDARIES WITH THIS SENTENCE!" Kyle yelled at Sky, thankfully interrupting before she could say whatever she wanted to say. "I'm a straight man."

This led to Sky beginning to beat up Kyle with Kyle counter beating her in self defense. At one point Sky grabbed Kyle's left wrist and mockingly made him grope her.

"Eugh what the fuck are you doing you assdicking mofoloni?" Kyle became disgusted as he bitchslapped Sky into thee nearest wall.

"Don't worry, i don't even like you, it was just a trick to fuck with your psychological state." said Sky.

"You're no better than your granddaughter from the future." said Kyle again.

"Granddaughter from the future? What the fuck are you talking about?" Sky became confused.

Conveniently, Skyblue appeared out of nowhere.

"Grandma! Why the fuck are you so young? And who's that bastard beating you?" said Skyblue confused. Everyone else were equally confused. I mean if i were to be a passerby witnessing this, i'd also be confused as fuck.

"Hey! Don't called me that!" Kyle said loudly, but not inherently screamed.

"W-what? Grandma? I'm not your grandma!" said Sky with an angrier tone, but still overly confused.

"I literally was looking at my family album a few minutes ago, and in one of the pictures, you look exactly like that!" Skyblue then showed said picture. "Look!"

Sky was utterly shocked and couldn't talk while Kyle calmed down a bit, but was still angry. A random frog, who was standing nearby, witnessed the entire thing.

"Now please, get me back into the present! Or the future, judging by your point of view."

"Holy zamn Skyblue, why is your ass so big?" Kyle asked with both confusion and anger.

"Pepsi addiction." said Skyblue. And then she started twerking.

"Okay okay stop." Kyle said with a neutral tone, but Skyblue kept going.

"I said stop!" Kyle raised his hand.

"Come on, spank me!" Skyblue tried to seduce Kyle, but he instead decided to choke her with a single hand.

This led Sky to transform into her Manifest form.

"YOU TWO BETTER STOP!" said Sky with a demonic voice.

She used all her force, but then turned back into her normal form and started nosebleeding.

"Ugh, i guess i used too much power to stop both of you."

And out of nowhere, just like Skyblue, Mr Potato Head from fuckin' Toy Story appeared within a huge Walmart labeled 18 wheeler. He sounded nothing like his late voice actor Don Rickles and instead had a really deep voice of an African American man. Mr Potato Head was holding a UZI with one hand and a bag of coke with another as he continuously kept honking the truck while loudly listening to One Love by Nas.

"HEY HEY HEY MUDDAFUGGA!! OH SHIT OH YEAH!!!!" screamed Mr Potato Head loudly, yet happily. Everyone else confusedly stared at Mr Potato Head.

"I tried using a distraction ability to make you both shut the fuck up, but instead i summoned something else." said Sky.

"I mean, what the fuck was that anyway?" asked Kyle.

"Can you get me back to my timeline?" Skyblue also asked.

"Unfortunately not. I'm sorry my granddaughter from the future, whatever you're named, i've drained all my energy into a single ability to distract you." Sky responded to Skyblue.

Kyle got on his knees.

"I'm getting a bit used to this Sky shit, and that makes me feel like a god damn motherfucking asshole." Kyle thought in his head and started crying silently and making sure Sky and Skyblue don't see him crying.

"Well shit, i guess i'm stuck." Skyblue got grumpy and walked away.

"Dude Skyblue be movin' bro." said Kyle. (Another reference if you didn't get it. Try to guess :D)

Then Skyblue kissed Kyle on the cheek, but he was emotionally exhausted enough to push her away, so he just let her do it instead.

"I need to go. I think i'm slowly becoming your own kind".

"My own kind you say?" said Sky. "We have Ski, we have Faker Sky, we have Miko, we have-"

"Okay i got it!" Kyle said.

"Since you're the new Sky person, i though i'd might aswell give you a Sky name."

"I don't need any fuckin' Sky name, okay? I just tend to look like you because of some random guy!" Kyle got angry.

"Well okay. So you're Kyle right?"

"Yes?" Kyle answered, still confused as ever.

"You know what? I'd give you the name Skyle! Why you may ask? Because it's a portmanteau of Sky and Kyle! Sounds creative!" said Sky.

"Whatever." Kyle responded. "It sounds like Skype anyway, and i like Skype. It's such a shame not many people use it anymore. The only people i know using Skype besides my family are my relatives and close friends of my parents."

"Well, do you live alone?" Sky asked.

"Why the fuck are you asking me this shit? This question is fucking creepy! Are you going to break into my house and rape me in my sleep?" Kyle became both scared and disgusted.

"What the fuck? I would never do this shit! Maybe Miko would, but i wouldn't at all! I just wanted to invite some of my fellow Skys (or Skies?) into your house to chill."

"I just want to be left alone." Kyle responded and walked away.

"If you wanna be left alone, then so be it." said Sky.

As soon as Kyle went home, he began crying.

"I can't believe i became the very thing i hate.." said Kyle while crying.

Next morning.

Kyle woke up and did his casual stuff until going outside again. Then he hears someone calling him.

"Kyle? Where are you?"

It was his friend Jenkins.

"Jenkins, i'm right in front of you!" Kyle responded to Jenkins.

"Kyle? Why do you look like Sky?" Jenkins asked.

"Because some dude with rainbow clothes and shiny metal teeth turned me into her." Kyle responded.

"I believe you buddy, i was also pestered by him, and he turned me into Pico from Pico College- Excuse me, i mean Pico's School. But how did you recognize me?"

"I still recognize you by your traits. Your voice, appearance and stuff. Even though you look similar to Pico now, i still know it's you Jenkins. Have you been tired of being Pico yet?"

"Not yet!" Jenkins said. "I actually like being Pico. And why did you turn into Sky? Don't you hate Sky? I mean, i've heard you calling her a bitch multiple times."

"I still hate Sky, it's just..."

"Just what?" Jenkins asked again.

"Are you ready to hear my guilty confession?" said Kyle.

"Umm, yes?"

"Well actually..." Kyle looked down and then to Jenkins again. "I'm getting slightly used to it." he said, ashamed and disappointed, about to cry.

"It's okay, we're getting used to some things we don't like. When i was like 8, i really fuckin' hated broccoli. All those cartoons set my mindset into thinking broccoli was gross. But as soon as i ate it, i got adapted to it. Later on, i started to like broccoli."

Kyle then wipes his tears and does the signature Buddy Handshake with Jenkins. He then hears something disgusting.

"GGYYYAAAAAAAATTTTT!!! LOOK AT THEM SKIBIDI MILKERS!" a woman screamed from far away.

"What the fuck was that?" Kyle asked angrily?

As soon as Kyle heard the Skibidi Toilet theme playing loudly, his ears started bleeding, and he laid on the ground, screaming and covering his ears.

The woman got closer to Kyle only to be revealed as Miko and slapped him in the face again.

"This is what you get for hating on Skibidi Toilet you motherfucker!" said Miko, completely pissed off.

"It's just a Half Life Gman head coming out of the toilet and singing some gibberish song, how is it special?" Kyle also got a bit angry.

"Damn, if you were to have a YouTube channel, my favorite Russian FNAF YouTuber would send you strikes to get it terminated, because he's a huge Skibidi Toilet fan, and he defends it from dicktards like you." Miko gets even more aggressive.

"I don't care about some YouTuber pwning my ass over hating on Skipper Toilet, or however you call it, i just want to be left alone."

"That's called Skibidi Toilet. Gyatt dayum, you have zero rizz, your aura is weak. I'll be your Skibidi rizz tutor teaching you how to fanum tax, invade Ohio and flash your lovestick to stranger women." Miko went from angry to insane.

"What the fuck? I don't want to flash to strangers! Who do you think i am? John Wayne Gacy? Also stop talking like that you shitgobbalooging demirkhaner, it makes me feel uncomfortable." Kyle screamed.

"Looks like you're rizzless. In order to gain aura, you'll need to smoke Ohio weed and fap to Rick and Morty porn, and you'll become the sigmiest rizzler in the world. Prevent shitplayers from getting diddled!"

"I don't understand every single word you said bitch. Please leave me alone." Kyle goes home, and so does Miko. "DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND? YOU NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT!!" he then yelled at her.

"You really lack aura my man. I mean, looking at you, it makes me feel bad for your bitchlessness."

"I'm already dating a woman!" said Kyle.

"I don't see her anywhere. I swear i'm going to find your Twitter profile and ratio every single tweet of yours."

"I have abandoned Twitter. I did it before Elon Musk rebranded it to X or whatever it's called now! I USE 4CHAN AND OLD MYSPACE!!" Kyle can't stop being pissed.

"Myspace? That boomer thing? How old are you, 58? Damn what a geezer."

"Mofo i'm 21."

"If i were to be H E R, i'd fuck your asshole with a vibrator, set it on beyond max and tear it apart, but thankfully i'm not doing that, because that's disgusting in my opinion."

"WHY ARE EVERYONE BEING PERVERTED LATELY? I JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE!!!!" screamed Kyle, as he's about to reach his mental breakdown.

"Ooohh what's wrong big boy? Not skibidi enough? You can't be gyatting out of girls if your rizz is low and lacks aura. Have you ever been on Ohio? It's a great US state where nothing is normal! Oh, have you ever tried to fanum tax your friends before? How's your mewing streak going? Do you count to two when buckling your shoes? The Hog Rider card is unlocked from the Spell Valley (Arena 5). He is a very fast building-targeting, melee troop with moderately high hitpoints and damage. He appears just like his Clash of Clans counterpart; a man with brown eyebro-"

But before Miko could finish her zoomer Hog Rider copypasta citation, which was inconveniently put into a mishmash of Gen Alpha psychofuckness, Kyle decided to put an end to all this god motherfucking damn Gen Alpha brainrot bullshit and decided to beat her up.

"AAAHHH!! FUCKIN' WATCH IT MAN!" Miko screamed in pain as Kyle keeps beating her.

Kyle pulls out a glock from his basement shelf and shoots Miko into her right foot to make her unable to run away.


"Eww you're a foot fetishist?" Kyle punched Miko in the face.

"OW, I WAS JOKING, BUT PLEASE DON'T KINKSHAME!!" Miko keeps screaming and managed to fight back, but Kyle was too strong.

Kyle then pushes Miko to the wall and gouges her left eyeball out of her socket with a kitchen knife.


"Says a person who keeps saying all this weird gibberish."

"FUCK YOU!!" Kyle and Miko both hold the same knife together, and while Miko succeeded to cut Kyle's cheek, he went beyond and sliced down her stomach, revealing her inner organs.


"TIME TO DIE YOU MOTHERFUCKING SNOTTYNOSE!!" Kyle keeps stabbing Miko and his knife eventually hits her heart.

Miko lays on the ground, dying and trying to escape.

"YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Kyle grabbed her legs and threw her into the living room's floor. He then pours hydrogen peroxide on a cotton pad and holds it on his cheek wound, slowly healing it.

Miko snatches a remote, turns on the TV and switches the channel to Brainrot TV. We see a stuffed plush of Caine from The Amazing Digital Circus and an SML looking puppet resembling a popular influencer Kai Cenat next to him..

"Welcome to The Amazing Digital Garten Of Pibbidi Toilet!" said the Caine plushie.

"What... The... Fuck..." Kyle gets uncomfortable.

"And we're your hosts! Caine, and..."

"KAI CENAT! Or should i say, KAI CENA-TEEEEE!!!" said the Kai puppet.

Dying, decaying Miko gets on her knees, panting like a dog while Kyle looks at her, then the TV screen, disgusted and slightly stressed.

"And today we're going to teach you how to..." plush Caine then makes a long pause accompanied by a drumroll before he and puppet Kai say "PREVENT YOURSELF FROM GETTING DIDDLED!!!" in unison.

"What even the fuck is diddle anyway?" Kyle asked, still healing his wound with a wet cotton pad..

"It's an euphenism for grooming a minor, named after the predator rapper Sean Combs, more infamously known as P Diddy." Miko said.

"First EDP445 receiving a terminology, then P Fuckin' Diddy?" Kyle gets even more confused.

The show keeps going on and on, as plush Caine and puppet Kai teach a valuable lesson through whatever is popular among (us? Got it? Cuz Among Us lol) kids to be hip with them. Then Miko goes crazy, slowly starting to lick the TV screen, to which Kyle responded with kicking her in the face.

"KEEP THINGS STERILE!!" Kyle holds a cotton pad with one hand and a wet tissue with another one, cleaning the TV screen from Miko's stinky waste.

"DON'T TOUCH MY KAI!!" said Miko.

"Holy shit lady, you're obsessed with Kai." said Kyle. "And why aren't you fucking dying? I literally hit you with the knife multiple times!"

Miko found the toilet room and crawls into it.

"Hey, what are you about to do?" Kyle is about to stab Miko again, but she responded with "I'm about to do it..."

Then Miko started posing and loudly screamed out "SKIBIDI DOP DOP DOP YES YES!!!"

"Holy man i don't need your Skippity bullshit again!"

"No Kyle, it's Skibidi!" said Miko, and then, a fuckin' head emerged out of the toilet.

"I thought Stephen-Kingidi toilets were fictional.. They're real after all!!" Kyle got shocked again.

"I SAID IT'S SKIBIDI!!!" Miko yelled at Kyle.

"No need to be aggressive, my young lady. After all, you performed a ritual to summon me. What do you need me for?" said the head.

"Oh the almighty Skibidi Toilet God, i want you to heal all my wounds that the madman from behind me caused!"

"Okay, but i'll kill that guy later."

"DON'T! I'll need him to fuck him up more!" Miko said.

"You bitch!" Kyle screamed, but then he saw Miko and Skibidi Toilet God making out with eachother, and that both grossed him out and scared him fucking shitless! Holy shit man that's the motherfucking Skibidi makeout! What a gazoonging zabinga!!

Suddenly, all the wounds have been healed from both Miko and Kyle as if nothing happened.

"What the fuck?" Kyle said again, but Miko said "This is the healing aura of Skibidi Toilet God!"

Kyle then went to the kitchen to make a lunch for himself. After he and Miko were done eating, the latter said.

"Hey look!" Miko said, and then she swiped her finger off the nose, then onto the cheeks.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Kyle asked.

Then he saw Miko's face is different, she looks way more beautiful.

"You should try it out too!" she said.

"Try what?" Kyle asked again.

"Mewing." Miko responded.

"Oh like a cat, you know? Mew mew mew!" Kyle began to imitate the cat sounds.

"No you shitcummer, mewing is what i just showed you. And incase if you start doing it, please follow the daily streak."

"I'm not doing that shit."


"Also Miko, can you please change your clothes to another? It's better when people wear clean clothes" Kyle said, and then Miko began taking off her clothes without being aware that Kyle caught her in disgust, because she's a stupid asshole.

"Here, take a robe." Kyle hands a robe to Miko, she puts it on and goes shopping. He then said "Finally, i'm left alone!"

After that, Kyle decided to watch TV and changed the channel from Brainrot TV to his favorite show. But two hours later Miko came back again, dressed up in clothes similar to her former.

"MIKO I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT OF HERE!!" Kyle yelled at Miko, but she responded "Why though? I live here now."

"Live? Don't you have your own house?" Kyle asked.

"No. Ever since my parents disowned me for being beyond assholish, i decided to break into people's houses because i don't like being homeless. I was spending all my remaining money on bottles of Heineken beer. I even brought a bag."

Kyle checks a bag, and indeed, there are lots of bottles of beer...

"Why the fuck did you bring me this? If i keep this and my girlfriend finds out, she will break up with me because she will think i'm alcoholic!" Kyle got sad.

"Who cares if you got Nerdbrown? I got her from an alternate universe."


Later that night.

Kyle wakes up to some creepy ass shouting and catches Miko watching Kai Cenat loudly.


"GET OUT OF MY BEDROOM!!!" Kyle yelled at Miko once again, but she laughs instead.

"Damn it, i'll have to get you to another room." Kyle sent her into another room and fell asleep.

Next morning he woke up later than usual due to getting awaken up by Miko's screams.

"I've been wondering why aren't you trying to kill me anymore. Come on, you wanted it!" said Miko.

"Because it's useless. It takes forever for you to actually die, and instead, you keep decaying and turn into a zombie. Plus you have the toilet head deity on your side." Kyle said.

"That's Skibidi Toilet God you inaurarizzated cockbarvatron." Miko looked at Kyle angrily.

"At this point you're just making up insults." Kyle said, but then the front door opened.

"Olivia! Phoebe! I've been waiting for you two! Come inside." said Kyle, finally happy.

"Wait, who the fuck is that girl with you?" said Olivia.

"That's Miko, and she's really annoying as fuck, but i let her live here because she may be homeless again" Kyle responded to his girlfriend Olivia, but then Phoebe found Miko's stash.

"Holy shit Kyle, i never knew you'd have so much stuff like this!" said Phoebe.

"That's actually Miko's." Kyle said again.

"SKIBIDI DOP DOP DOP YES YES!!" Miko screams again, and then Olivia says "Is she mentally challenged or something?", to which Kyle responds "Not sure, but may be likely, i don't know. I tend to ignore this shit."

Then Phoebe found a Bad Dragon urethral fleshlight and a vibrator in the bag of beer and began to make out with the former and ride the latter, much to everybody else's shock and terror.

"WHAT THE FUCK SEX TOYS? BUT I'M ASEXUAL! Maybe i mistook them as bottles of beer when i was drunk." Miko admits she fucked up.

"Gawzayum Phoebe, cut that shit out!" Olivia said in disgust, to which Phoebe finally stopped.

"Is she always like that?" Miko asked.

"No, rarely." Olivia responded to Miko.

Then a woman was heard screaming outside while a deep demonic voice laughed, so everyone went outside to check what's going on. Turns out Faker Sky has turned into her eclipse form and she's mauling Skyblue.

"HEY DERIZZLER! TAKE THIS!!" Miko yelled at Faker Sky, trying to throw a Stanley cup, but it misses. Faker Sky can't talk in her eclipse form, so she just groaned as usual. She then ripped off a part of her skin that was making her mouth permanently closed and roared loudly at Miko.

"Well, guess i Ohio'd." Miko said.

"WHAT'S WITH THAT FUCKING OHIO STATE LATELY?" Kyle screamed while being really fuckin' pissed.

Miko then showed a gif of Boyfriend's head photoshopped infront of a gif of a known celebrity Big Eddie swinging his enormous dick, which turns Faker Sky back into her normal form.

"The fuck did you show to Feika?" Kyle asked Miko, to which she showed him said gif, making him shocked.

After Faker Sky ran away, Phoebe said "Wait i know this! It's Big Eddie, he's so hot!"

"Please help me..." said Skyblue, her lower half had been completely shredded into pieces, and this lead the remaining four to carry all the way into Kyle's house.

"Bring her into the toilet room, i have something to do." Miko said, and then she performed a ritual to summon Skibidi Toilet God once again.

"Why hello there, it is i, the Skibidi Toilet God! What bothers you this time?" Skibidi Toilet God asked, to which Miko responded with "Please heal her, she needs it."

Skibidi Toilet God then aurified himself and bashed his head into the end of Skyblue's upper half, bringing her legs, skirt and shoes back to where they once were.

"Holy shit thank you head thing!" Skyblue said.

"IT'S SKIBIDI TOILET GOD!!!" Miko screamed.

"Please calm down Miko, after all i helped her! Together, we are skibidi!" said Skibidi Toilet God.

"Why do many tend to be freaky nowadays?" said Kyle.

"Oh you mean this?" Miko then began staring with bedroom eyes at Kyle with tongue out, and the word "freaky" is displayed in a fancy font.

Kyle then started choking Miko, saying "DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!!"

"Umm Skibidi Toilet God, can you please get me back to the future?" Skyblue said.

"Sure thing lady!" Skibidi Toilet God responded and sent her back to her timeline, exactly how she wanted. Everything is normal for her, and she finally sees Boyfriend's grandson, who looks and sounds exactly like the original Boyfriend.

"THANKS TO STG!!" Skyblue screamed happily while hugging BF's grandson.

Meanwhile, back to the present.

"I need to chill." said Kyle.

Meanwhile again.

Faker Sky, now in her normal form, wanders around the city to look for food. An elderly passerby sees her.

"Hey lady, you look like you're in a poor condition, may i help?" he said.

"Oh yeah sure! I don't have enough money to buy a steak." Faker Sky responded to the old man, with the latter giving her enough money for a raw steak. Then she goes to the shop and buys the steak and goes outside.

"It was a pleasure helping you miss!" sad the old man, to which Faker Sky said "And it was nice to meet you!" and ate the steak raw.

"Why are you eating the steak raw? Instead of taking all your time into frying it, why are you instantly eating it raw?" the old man asked.

"I just tend to be like that. Don't worry, i don't get sick fom eating raw meat. Also my name is, umm, Faker Sky, but many call me Feika."

"Nice to meet you Feika, my name is Greg Asog." the old man revealed his name.

Faker Sky and Greg shook their hands and then went to his house.

"This is where i live. If you want, you can live here too."

"Holy gazonkas thank you Greg!" said Faker Sky and did the crouching skeleton dance.

To be continued.



